Thursday, November 30, 2006

Schoolies and beyond

G'day mates,
well, from Hannah's previous post you know that I went to Schoolies last week. Imagine spring break for the entire east coast in one city, 20,000 teens each week. It was chaos. Our YWAM team joined up with a organization of hotel chaplens geared to serving the teens. We became known as the Red Frog People, because we handed out red frogs(a candy similar to sweedish fish) to everyone. Our team was on the day-time shift, so we were called to teens hotels to make them pancakes, help clean thier rooms, talk, or just hang out. I led a team of five others in Ywam and we made some great relationships with the kids. Most often the teens were either hung over from the night before or still drinking. The just graduated teens would drink as much as they could and party as hard as they could for the first three days. This is when God really began to work in conversation with kids searching for something that is lasting. Our team really stepped up and followed God's call to share him and how He's cahnged our lives. God really challenged me not to care what other people think of me when I bring God into the conversation. He wanted me to be bold and say whatever He had for me to say. Praise God, at the end of the week three guys we were talking to during the week accepeted Christ into their lives. It was awesome. Can you guys pray for Mark, Chris and Alex that they would continue to seek Christ. So many seeds were planted that week and so many lives were changed. God is Awesome. Also, this week we're going over the Holy spirit and Spiritual gifts and God is calling me to find His vision and purpose for my life. So can you pray for a open heart to hear what God has for me. Thanks, I miss you guys


Blogger Sherrie said...

WOW! Thanks for the great update. I'm so encouraged by your journey and the encouragement the Lord is providing you :~)

Relative to finding Vision and Purpose for your life, in my opinion, Pastor Warren's Purpose-Driven Life has some of the BEST stuff on this topic ... chapters 29, 30, and 31.

In summary, he teaches that God designs us for our purpose so looking at how we've been designed is a key to figuring out our purpose. He uses the anagram SHAPE for the various aspects of our design:

S = Spiritual Gifts
H = Heart & Passions
A = Abilities & Talents
P = Personality
E = Experiences (especially tough ones)

My sense of how best to apply this is to find your purpose, prayerfully analyze where each of the five circles for each of the above factors intersects. That's likely the center of God's will and purpose for your life :~)

Lots of Love,
Momma F

3:56 PM  

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